How it all started...
House of Praise was started by a small group of people led by founding Pastors Bob & Barbara Hulett with a vision to reach those who were far from Jesus. This 25 people, meeting in a little Jewish Synagogue, prayed hard, praised God joyfully and loved on people.
Eventually the church grew and moved to Castleton, NY.
In the 2000s the church began to struggle. Declining attendance, an aging congregation and a building they couldn't afford caused the church of less than 100 to seek outside help.
In 2005 Pastors Lon & Joanne Dean were set in as Lead Pastors to restart the church. Building upon the work that was done under the Huletts, the Deans implemented church discipleship system and prayed. The House of Praise quickly experienced a fresh move of God and dynamic growth, doubling in one year.
By 2019 Attendance had grown to about 300 people on a Sunday with almost all the growth coming from new converts and previously unchurched people! The church is healthy, and continues to grow with the best years ahead. Come be a part of what God is doing at House of Praise!
Eventually the church grew and moved to Castleton, NY.
In the 2000s the church began to struggle. Declining attendance, an aging congregation and a building they couldn't afford caused the church of less than 100 to seek outside help.
In 2005 Pastors Lon & Joanne Dean were set in as Lead Pastors to restart the church. Building upon the work that was done under the Huletts, the Deans implemented church discipleship system and prayed. The House of Praise quickly experienced a fresh move of God and dynamic growth, doubling in one year.
By 2019 Attendance had grown to about 300 people on a Sunday with almost all the growth coming from new converts and previously unchurched people! The church is healthy, and continues to grow with the best years ahead. Come be a part of what God is doing at House of Praise!

Expanding the Vision...
With a Vision to help people to Connect to Christ, Connect to Church and Connect to the Community, House of Praise disciples hundreds of believers, and reaching hundreds for Christ. We also impacts the community through in feeding thousands, in home bible studies, addiction recovery, fighting human trafficking, church planting and pro-birth causes.
The vision to reach more people for Jesus is causing us to expand to where the church can have a greater impact throughout the Capital District of NY, the most unchurched area in the nation according to Barna research. See the "Where we are headed" section next.
The vision to reach more people for Jesus is causing us to expand to where the church can have a greater impact throughout the Capital District of NY, the most unchurched area in the nation according to Barna research. See the "Where we are headed" section next.
Where we are headed...
The future is bright! We welcome an average of 70 new guests each year and 55% of first-time guest return! Many are baptized and become members. For the ones who don't, the majority say it's because we are too far away. We thought, 'We can fix that!'
To reach more people with the good news of Jesus and to have a greater impact in the Capital District of Upstate NY, we are moving to the North Greenbush area. Our new property right on RT 4, will help reach a much larger population center and will actually be closer to 85% of our current attenders.
We know if you will attend once, you'll love it.
To reach more people with the good news of Jesus and to have a greater impact in the Capital District of Upstate NY, we are moving to the North Greenbush area. Our new property right on RT 4, will help reach a much larger population center and will actually be closer to 85% of our current attenders.
We know if you will attend once, you'll love it.

Be a part of what God is doing...
Come any Sunday to Worship at 10:00am (EST)
Includes a full children's church
Includes a full children's church